2/24/2018 S-1 Table of Contents Dividends Holders of the Company’s preferred stock are entitled to receive dividends, when, as and if declared by the Company’s Board of Directors, at the applicable dividend rate of $0.01, $0.01, $0.72, and $1.53 for each share of Series A, Series A­1, Series B, and Series C convertible preferred stock, respectively, prior to and in preference of any dividend paid to holders of the Company’s common stock (other than a stock dividend declared and paid on the Class A common stock that is payable in shares of Class A common stock or on the Class B common stock that is payable in shares of Class B common stock). Such dividends shall not be cumulative or mandatory. No dividends have been declared in any period presented. Voting Each holder of preferred stock shall have the right to 10 votes for each share of Class B common stock into which the shares of preferred stock held by such holder could then be converted. In addition, so long as at least 45.0 million shares of preferred stock are outstanding, the holders of the preferred stock shall be entitled to elect one director of Dropbox. The holders of the shares of outstanding Class A common stock and Class B common stock representing at least a majority in voting power of the then­issued common stock shall be entitled to elect seven directors of Dropbox. Conversion At the option of the holder thereof, each share of preferred stock is convertible into a number of shares of Class B common stock that results from dividing the applicable original issue price for such series by the applicable conversion price in effect on the date of conversion (the “Conversion Rate”). Each share of preferred stock will be automatically converted into shares of Class B common stock at the Conversion Rate at the time in effect for such series of preferred stock upon the earlier of (i) immediately prior to the closing of a firm commitment underwritten public offering of Dropbox’s common stock on an internationally recognized securities exchange or trading system pursuant to a registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, with gross proceeds of not less than $35.0 million in the aggregate (a “Qualified IPO”), or (ii) the date specified by written consent or agreement of the holders of a majority of the outstanding preferred stock, voting together as a single class; provided, that other than pursuant to a Qualified IPO (x) so long as a majority of the shares of Series B convertible preferred stock originally issued remains outstanding, the consent of the holders of 70% of the shares of the Series B convertible preferred stock, voting together as a single class, is required to convert any shares of Series B convertible preferred stock into Class B common stock and (y) so long as a majority of the shares of Series C convertible preferred stock originally issued remains outstanding, the consent of the holders of a majority of the shares of the Series C convertible preferred stock, voting together as a single class, is required to convert any shares of Series C convertible preferred stock into Class B common stock. Equity incentive plans Under the Company’s 2017 Equity Incentive Plan (the “Plan”), the Company may grant stock­based awards to purchase or directly issue shares of common stock to employees, directors, and consultants. Options are granted at a price per share equal to the fair market value of Dropbox’s common stock at the date of grant. Options granted are exercisable over a maximum term of 10 years from the date of grant and generally vest over a period of four years. No options have been granted since August of 2015. RSUs and RSAs are also granted under the Plan. The Plan will terminate 10 years after the later of (i) its adoption or (ii) the most recent stockholder­approved increase in the number of shares reserved under the Plan, unless terminated earlier by the Dropbox Board of Directors. This Plan was adopted on March 8, 2017, and replaced the Company’s 2008 Equity Incentive Plan (the “Prior Plan”). In August 2017, the Company increased the number of shares of common stock reserved for grant under the 2017 Plan by 10,000,000 shares. As of December 31, 2017, there were 89.8 million shares issued and outstanding under the Plan and the Prior Plan. Shares available for issuance under the Plans were 13.5 million as of December 31, 2017. F­26 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1467623/000119312518055809/d451946ds1.htm 216/235

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