Team Up For Marketing Success

Table of contents Intro 3 The Coordinator 4 The Wordsmith 6 The Artist 8 The Director 10 The Amplifier 12 The Hybrid 14 Conclusion 16

Table of contents Intro 3 The Coordinator 4 The Wordsmith 6 The Artist 8 The Director 10 The Amplifier 12 The Hybrid 14 Conclusion 16

Intro 3 Intro Your team’s ready to kick off the next marketing campaign You need an original idea, a great strategy and, most importantly, a marketing team that’s set up for success Understanding the roles, needs, and boundaries of everyone on the project keeps your team functioning like a well-oiled machine To better understand how teams collaborate, we conducted research on thousands of marketing and design professionals in the United States Based on our findings, this eBook dives into different types of marketing personas, as well as: • Common project pain points • Solutions to make their jobs easier • Tips for better team collaboration Everyone has their own unique needs and struggles Read on to learn how the right solutions can make for stellar collaboration and a brilliant campaign

1 The Coordinator Department: Project Management Alias: Project Manager | Producer | Marketing Manager Coordinators are at the center of every marketing project They work across disciplines and departments to ensure a smooth campaign By facilitating communication between colleagues, agencies, and freelancers, they guide a campaign’s major assets from beginning to end

The Coordinator 5 Common roadblocks in their workflow Tips for your team to work better together • Siloed teams and dispersed parties • Inefficient feedback and approval cycles If you’re a Coordinator: • Fragmented information across email threads and other channels • Know when to filter feedback, translate requests, and loop Solutions that work others into conversations • Set up the rest of the team for success Central hub by communicating clear expectations Having one location for storing, sharing, and accessing and deadlines so that teammates are project files allows the Coordinator to bridge the gap held accountable for their work between internal and external members on the team If you work with a Coordinator: Organized feedback system • Avoid inundating your Coordinator with An efficient method for trafficking feedback rounds from the questions and requests Take some creative team to the client is the key to a Coordinator’s heart time to organize and consolidate your Dropbox features, like commenting and annotations, help thoughts so they can quickly get you keep feedback exactly where it should be the answers you need • Notify them of any red flags or Partner tip uncertainties early on to avoid Attach any file from Dropbox to a task or project in Asana to easily track updates, mishaps further down the line maintain version control, and keep team members accountable for their work.

2 The Wordsmith Department: Editorial Alias: Copywriter | Editor | Director of Content Crafting a powerful and persuasive message is one of the keys to a successful marketing campaign The Wordsmith has a specialized understanding of content needs and possesses the skills to connect to an audience and drive response

The Wordsmith 7 Common roadblocks in their workflow Tips for your team to work better together • Inefficient communication during feedback cycles • Scattered research and source materials If you’re a Wordsmith: • Lack of insight into a project’s review cycles • Involve designers during the early stages to grant them insight into Solutions that work the project’s goals • Keep others informed on progress Collaborative editing platform They may be hesitant to check in and Dropbox Paper brings writers and collaborators together disrupt your writing process, so it’s on projects in real time, bringing the Wordsmith instant helpful to share updates that keep feedback and clarity everyone on the same page Robust copy brief If you work with a Wordsmith: Keep all necessary materials—brand voice, research • Keep feedback targeted, actionable, material, guidelines, objectives, etc —in one document and timely The Wordsmith should or folder to let the Wordsmith focus more time on understand—with minimal guesswork— creating dynamite content exactly what’s expected in the next version of the deliverable Partner tip • Provide clarity on the scope of work, the Using Microsoft Office? Our integration lets you open and co-edit roles of all key players, and the expected Office files stored in Dropbox using Office Online apps. outcomes of the campaign

3 The Artist Department: Design Alias: Designer | UX/UI Designer | Art Director Once the team sets the vision and agrees on the core message, it’s time to create The design minds step in and weave all components together into an original and inspired work To design effectively, Artists need tools to ensure that they spend less time sorting through files and more time executing on their skills

The Artist 9 Common roadblocks in their workflow Tips for your team to work better together • Managing multiple files and versions among designers • Translating unclear or contradictory feedback If you’re an Artist: • Sharing large files • Label all design files with the version, date, and a description so when other Solutions that work Artists jump in to collaborate, they can avoid confusion and redundant work Organized file storage system • Ask for clarity on any vague or confusing Switching to a centralized hub for all files enables elements before you start the project the Artist to access the latest version If you work with an Artist: Streamlined feedback • Provide them with specific insights Every Artist loves clear feedback Dropbox lets team during the planning stages of a campaign, members leave comments directly on design files so an like examples of work that capture the Artist knows exactly what changes need to be made look, feel, and emotion you’re aiming to inspire in your audience Partner tip • Be mindful of giving Artists the space The Artist can edit Adobe Acrobat files seamlessly across mobile, they need to get in their zone Provide desktop, and the web with Dropbox, letting them spend more time unified, comprehensive feedback rather doing what they do best: creating. than multiple piecemeal rounds that disrupt their flow

4 The Director Department: Leadership Alias: Marketing Director | VP of Marketing | Head of Marketing As the leader of a marketing team, the Director needs high-level visibility and control of the broader vision Directors are responsible for overseeing the project, presenting work to stakeholders, and showcasing the impact of their efforts Because of their accountability, directors are integral to the approval process

The Director 11 Common roadblocks in their workflow Tips for your team to work better together • Managing file security • Tracking the status of a project If you’re a Director: • Making sure the project aligns with broader goals and hits ROI targets • Get involved early and often Provide regular feedback to ensure the campaign Solutions that work is on the right track from the start Late feedback can disrupt the team’s flow Project management hub • Foster relationships with current and With a central location that houses all assets of a campaign, prospective clients to build equity and a director can keep track of what’s happening, with the keep your team busy with new business option to dive deep into information and provide feedback when necessary If you work with a Director: • Coordinate regular check-ins with your File protection and access control Director to keep them involved at major Dropbox features like password protection, expiring links, milestones of a campaign and sharing controls instill confidence in Directors that their team’s work is secure • Filter updates appropriately Your Director doesn’t need all the gritty technical Partner tip details Concise updates help them By connecting Dropbox with the Nintex Workflow Platform, you can better understand how the project is tracking orchestrate and take control of your collaborative document processes and keep your team productive.

5 The Amplifier Department: Distribution, Promotion Alias: Social Media Manager | PR Manager | Search/SEO Specialist Even the best-conceived marketing campaign is powerless without a calculated plan for exposure When the time comes to launch the campaign, the Amplifier needs to craft the right messages for the right audiences and measure results across each channel

The Amplifier 13 Common roadblocks in their workflow Tips for your team to work better together • Keeping track of final assets • Lack of insight into previous campaigns If you’re an Amplifier: • Difficulty tracking campaign progress and performance • Keep your team in the loop with a distribution plan The more they know Solutions that work about how the assets will be positioned, the closer they can tailor the product to Final file access meet those goals The Amplifier needs all the latest, polished files ready • End projects with a team-wide debrief for launch in one easy-to-navigate location so everyone knows what performed well and what didn’t These insights will create Campaign archives better results the next time around A shared Dropbox folder with prior campaign results gives Amplifiers the tools they need to ensure current campaigns If you work with an Amplifier: are moving in the right direction • Involve Amplifiers in the planning phase to collaborate on the positioning strategy Partner tip to ensure the team’s vision is aligned Use Hootsuite to view and sort all of your files, post your social • Keep all assets organized for a smooth messages to Dropbox for easy archiving, and track your campaign’s hand-off when it comes time to launch social impact.

Whatever the size of your marketing team, connecting the right people with the right tools and processes can make or break a campaign Dropbox helps keep your dream team in sync so everyone can bring their best ideas to life To learn more about how Dropbox Business can support your next campaign, check out

The Hybrid 15 Common roadblocks in their workflow Tips for your team to work better together • Switching between projects and responsibilities • Using disconnected technologies If you’re a Hybrid: • Balancing multiple tasks • Communicate what you need from your team on the marketing front so you can Solutions that work all achieve more together • Delegate some of your tasks when Integrated tools possible to achieve high-quality work Dropbox integrates with a multitude of productivity apps If there’s too much on your plate to so you can continue using the tools you know and love handle, the campaign may suffer This minimizes time spent learning new tools and switching between them If you work with a Hybrid: • Break down walls of communication with Task lists weekly sync meetings to share updates To keep track of all the to-dos, create task lists that specify and ask questions the action item and deadline In Dropbox Paper, you can assign and tag specific people to help keep your team • Other teams like sales, product, and on the same page customer support should keep the Hybrid looped into important conver– Partner tip sations about the brand Those Use the Dropbox and HubSpot integration to access your files and incorporate discussions can go a long way in them right into emails, landing pages, and other assets in HubSpot. informing the marketing strategy

Whatever the size of your marketing team, connecting the right people with the right tools and processes can make or break a campaign Dropbox helps keep your dream team in sync so everyone can bring their best ideas to life To learn more about how Dropbox Business can support your next campaign, check out