2/24/2018 S-1 Table of Contents CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS, RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS, AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS In addition to the compensation arrangements, including employment, termination of employment, and change in control arrangements, discussed in the sections titled “Management” and “Executive Compensation”, the following is a description of each transaction since January 1, 2015, and each currently proposed transaction in which: • we have been or are to be a participant; • the amount involved exceeded or exceeds $120,000; and • any of our directors, executive officers, or holders of more than 5% of our outstanding capital stock, or any immediate family member of, or person sharing the household with, any of these individuals or entities, had or will have a direct or indirect material interest. Amended and Restated Investors’ Rights Agreement We are party to our Amended and Restated Investors’ Rights Agreement, or IRA, dated as of January 30, 2014, which provides, among other things, that certain holders of our capital stock, including entities affiliated with each of Sequoia Capital, Accel, and T. Rowe Price, be covered by a registration statement that we are otherwise filing. R. Bryan Schreier, a member of our Board of Directors, is affiliated with Sequoia Capital. See the section titled “Description of Capital Stock—Registration Rights” for additional information regarding these registration rights. Right of First Refusal Pursuant to certain of our bylaws, equity compensation plans, and certain agreements with our stockholders, including our Amended and Restated Right of First Refusal and Co­Sale Agreement, dated January 30, 2014, we or our assignees have a right to purchase shares of our capital stock which stockholders propose to sell to other parties. This right will terminate immediately prior to the completion of this offering. Amended and Restated Voting and Drag­Along Agreement We are party to our Amended and Restated Voting and Drag­Along Agreement, or Voting Agreement, dated as of April 21, 2016, under which certain holders of our capital stock, including entities affiliated with each of Sequoia Capital, Accel, and T. Rowe Price, have agreed to vote their shares of our capital stock on certain matters, including with respect to the election of directors. R. Bryan Schreier, a member of our Board of Directors, is affiliated with Sequoia Capital. Immediately prior to the completion of this offering, the Voting Agreement will terminate and none of our stockholders will have any special rights regarding the election or designation of members of our Board of Directors. Commercial Arrangement We previously had a commercial relationship with Hewlett­Packard Company, of which Ms. Whitman, a member of our Board of Directors, served as the Chief Executive Officer from September 2011 to November 2015. During 2015, we made payments of $37.3 million for capital leases and commercial products and services provided by the Hewlett­Packard Company. We also have a commercial relationship with HPE, of which Ms. Whitman served as Chief Executive Officer from November 2015 to January 2018. These commercial relationships include infrastructure equipment under capital leases, the purchase of commercial products and other services, and a multi­year subscription agreement for access to the Dropbox platform. During 2016, we received payments of $1.0 million for services rendered to HPE. During 2015, 2016, and 2017, we made payments of $10.9 million, $79.7 million, and $81.7 million, respectively, for capital leases and commercial products and services provided by HPE. 150 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1467623/000119312518055809/d451946ds1.htm 158/235

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