The Coordinator 5 Common roadblocks in their workflow Tips for your team to work better together • Siloed teams and dispersed parties • Inefficient feedback and approval cycles If you’re a Coordinator: • Fragmented information across email threads and other channels • Know when to filter feedback, translate requests, and loop Solutions that work others into conversations • Set up the rest of the team for success Central hub by communicating clear expectations Having one location for storing, sharing, and accessing and deadlines so that teammates are project files allows the Coordinator to bridge the gap held accountable for their work between internal and external members on the team If you work with a Coordinator: Organized feedback system • Avoid inundating your Coordinator with An efficient method for trafficking feedback rounds from the questions and requests Take some creative team to the client is the key to a Coordinator’s heart time to organize and consolidate your Dropbox features, like commenting and annotations, help thoughts so they can quickly get you keep feedback exactly where it should be the answers you need • Notify them of any red flags or Partner tip uncertainties early on to avoid Attach any file from Dropbox to a task or project in Asana to easily track updates, mishaps further down the line maintain version control, and keep team members accountable for their work.

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