2/24/2018 S-1 Table of Contents price of shares covered by each outstanding award subject to any required action by our Board of Directors or stockholders. Dissolution or liquidation. In the event of our proposed liquidation or dissolution, our Board of Directors may terminate any and all outstanding awards followed by the payment of creditors and the distribution of any remaining funds to the our stockholders. Acquisition or other combination. If we are subject to an acquisition, consolidation, or merger, or similar conversion event, outstanding awards under our 2017 Plan shall be subject to the agreement evidencing such transaction. The agreement may provide for the continuation, assumption, or substitution of outstanding awards by us (if we are the surviving corporation) or the successor or acquiring entity (if any), or the full or partial exercisability or vesting and accelerated expiration of awards, or the settlement of the full value of outstanding awards in cash, cash equivalents, or securities of the successor or its parent followed by the cancellation of such awards. If an outstanding award is not continued, assumed, or substituted, the award will terminate and cease to be outstanding immediately following the occurrence of the applicable transaction. Amendment; termination. Our Board of Directors may terminate or amend our 2017 Plan at any time, provided that such amendment does not impair the rights under outstanding options without the participant’s written consent. As noted above, prior to the adoption of our 2018 Plan in connection with this offering, our 2017 Plan will be terminated and no further awards will be granted thereunder. All outstanding awards will continue to be governed by their existing terms. 2008 Equity Incentive Plan, As Amended Our Board of Directors and stockholders adopted our 2008 Plan in January 2008. Our 2008 Plan was most recently amended in November 2016. Our 2008 Plan was terminated in connection with our adoption of our 2017 Plan. As of December 31, 2017, options to purchase 7,439,253 shares of our Class B common stock remained outstanding under our 2008 Plan at a weighted­average exercise price of approximately $7.01 per share and RSUs covering 57,329,003 shares of our Class B common stock remained outstanding under our 2008 Plan. Awards granted under the 2008 Plan generally are subject to terms similar to those described above with respect to options and RSUs granted under the 2017 Plan. Our 2008 Plan provides that if there is (i) a dissolution or liquidation of the Company, (ii) any reorganization, consolidation, merger, or similar transaction or series of related transactions resulting in a significant change in our voting securities as described in our 2008 Plan, or (iii) a sale of all or substantially all of our assets followed by the distribution of the proceeds to our stockholders, any or all outstanding awards may be assumed, converted, replaced, or substituted by the successor or acquiring corporation (if any). If a successor or acquiring corporation refuses to assume, convert, replace, or substitute awards, vesting of awards will accelerate and options will become exercisable in full prior to the consummation of event on such terms as determined by the administrator, and all options that are not exercised prior to the consummation of the transaction and all other awards will terminate. Our 2008 Plan generally does not allow for the transfer or assignment of awards, other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution and, with respect to nonqualified options, by instrument to an inter vivos or testamentary trust in which the options are to be passed to beneficiaries upon the death of the trustor (settlor) or by gift to “immediate family,” and awards may not be made subject to execution, attachment, or similar process. An award is only exercisable by the participant or the participant’s legal representative during the participant’s lifetime. Our Board of Directors may amend our 2008 Plan at any time, provided that such amendment does not impair the rights under outstanding awards without the participant’s written consent. Cash Bonus Plan Our Board of Directors has adopted a cash bonus plan, or our Cash Bonus Plan, that allows us to financially incentivize and reward our employees, including our executive officers, based upon our performance and their individual contributions to our success. 147 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1467623/000119312518055809/d451946ds1.htm 155/235

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