2/24/2018 S-1 Table of Contents the Dropbox brand, or if we incur excessive expenses in this effort, our business, results of operations, and financial condition will be materially and adversely affected. We are continuing to expand our operations outside the United States, where we may be subject to increased business and economic risks that could impact our results of operations. We have paying users across 180 countries and approximately half of our revenue in the year ended December 31, 2017 was generated from paying users outside the United States. We expect to continue to expand our international operations, which may include opening offices in new jurisdictions and providing our platform in additional languages. Any new markets or countries into which we attempt to sell subscriptions to our platform may not be receptive. For example, we may not be able to expand further in some markets if we are not able to satisfy certain government­ and industry­specific requirements. In addition, our ability to manage our business and conduct our operations internationally requires considerable management attention and resources and is subject to the particular challenges of supporting a rapidly growing business in an environment of multiple languages, cultures, customs, legal and regulatory systems, alternative dispute systems, and commercial markets. International expansion has required, and will continue to require, investment of significant funds and other resources. Operating internationally subjects us to new risks and may increase risks that we currently face, including risks associated with: • recruiting and retaining talented and capable employees outside the United States, and maintaining our company culture across all of our offices; • providing our platform and operating our business across a significant distance, in different languages and among different cultures, including the potential need to modify our platform and features to ensure that they are culturally appropriate and relevant in different countries; • compliance with applicable international laws and regulations, including laws and regulations with respect to privacy, data protection, consumer protection, and unsolicited email, and the risk of penalties to our users and individual members of management or employees if our practices are deemed to be out of compliance; • management of an employee base in jurisdictions that may not give us the same employment and retention flexibility as does the United States; • operating in jurisdictions that do not protect intellectual property rights to the same extent as does the United States; • compliance by us and our business partners with anti­corruption laws, import and export control laws, tariffs, trade barriers, economic sanctions, and other regulatory limitations on our ability to provide our platform in certain international markets; • foreign exchange controls that might require significant lead time in setting up operations in certain geographic territories and might prevent us from repatriating cash earned outside the United States; • political and economic instability; • double taxation of our international earnings and potentially adverse tax consequences due to changes in the income and other tax laws of the United States or the international jurisdictions in which we operate; and • higher costs of doing business internationally, including increased accounting, travel, infrastructure, and legal compliance costs. Compliance with laws and regulations applicable to our global operations substantially increases our cost of doing business in international jurisdictions. We may be unable to keep current with changes in laws and regulations as they change. Although we have implemented policies and procedures designed to support compliance with these laws and regulations, there can be no assurance that we will always maintain compliance 24 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1467623/000119312518055809/d451946ds1.htm 31/235

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