2/24/2018 S-1 Table of Contents We believe in transparency with our users and have adopted guiding principles regarding how we handle requests from government and law enforcement agencies seeking information about our users and their content. These guiding principles are: • Be transparent • We believe that online services should be allowed to publish the number and types of government requests they receive, and to notify individuals when information about them has been requested. We’ll continue to publish detailed information about these requests and advocate for the right to provide more information. • Fight overly broad requests • We believe that government data requests should be limited in the information they seek and narrowly tailored to specific people and legitimate investigations. We’ll resist blanket and overly broad requests. • Provide trusted services • We believe that governments should never install backdoors into online services or compromise infrastructure to obtain user data. We’ll continue to work to protect our systems and to change laws to make it clear that this type of activity is illegal. • Protect all users • We believe that laws that give people different protections based on where they live or their citizenship are antiquated and don’t reflect the global nature of online services. We’re committed to providing the same level of protection to all of our users. That means that we use our guiding principles to scrutinize all the requests we receive, regardless of the origin of the request or user. Our Competition The market for content collaboration platforms is competitive and rapidly changing. Certain features of our platform compete in the cloud storage market with products offered by Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microsoft, and in the content collaboration market with products offered by Atlassian, Google, and Microsoft. We compete with Box on a more limited basis in the cloud storage market for deployments by large enterprises. We also compete with smaller private companies that offer point solutions in the cloud storage market or the content collaboration market. We believe that the principal competitive factors in our markets include the following: • user­centric design; • ease of adoption and use; • scale of user network; • features and platform experience; • performance; • brand; • security and privacy; • accessibility across several devices, operating systems, and applications; • third­party integration; • customer support; 123 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1467623/000119312518055809/d451946ds1.htm 131/235

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