2/24/2018 S-1 Table of Contents • Any adjustments necessary to recognize a lack of marketability for our common stock; and • Precedent sales of or offers to purchase our capital stock. In valuing our common stock, our Board of Directors determined the fair value of our common stock using both the income and market approach valuation methods. The income approach estimates value based on the expectation of future cash flows that a company will generate. These future cash flows are discounted to their present values using a discount rate based on our weighted average cost of capital, and is adjusted to reflect the risks inherent in our cash flows. The market approach estimates value based on a comparison of the subject company to comparable public companies in a similar line of business. From the comparable companies, a representative market value multiple is determined and then applied to the subject company’s financial forecasts to estimate the value of the subject company. For valuations prior to August 31, 2017, the equity valuation was based on both the income and the market approach valuation methods, in addition to giving consideration to recent secondary sales of our common stock. The Option Pricing Method was selected as the principal equity allocation method. These methods were consistent with prior valuations. For valuations as of and subsequent to August 31, 2017, we have used a hybrid method to determine the fair value of our common stock, in addition to giving consideration to recent secondary sales of our common stock. Under the hybrid method, multiple valuation approaches were used and then combined into a single probability weighted valuation. Our approach included the use of initial public offering scenarios, a scenario assuming continued operation as a private entity, and a scenario assuming an acquisition of the company. Application of these approaches involves the use of estimates, judgment, and assumptions that are highly complex and subjective, such as those regarding our expected future revenue, expenses, and cash flows, discount rates, market multiples, the selection of comparable companies, and the probability of future events. Changes in any or all of these estimates and assumptions, or the relationships between those assumptions, impact our valuations as of each valuation date and may have a material impact on the valuation of common stock. For valuations after the completion of this initial public offering, our Board of Directors will determine the fair value of each share of underlying common stock based on the closing price of our Class A common stock as reported on the date of the grant. Fair value of market condition awards The Co­Founder Grants contain market­based vesting conditions. The market­based vesting condition is considered when calculating the grant date fair value of these awards, which requires the use of various estimates and assumptions. The grant date fair value of the Co­Founder Grants was estimated using a model based on multiple stock price paths developed through the use of a Monte Carlo simulation that incorporates into the valuation the possibility that the market condition may not be satisfied. A Monte Carlo simulation requires the use of various assumptions, including our underlying stock price, volatility, and the risk­free interest rate as of the valuation date, corresponding to the length of time remaining in the performance period, and expected dividend yield. A Monte Carlo simulation also calculates a derived service period for each of the nine vesting tranches, which is the measure of the expected time to achieve the market conditions. Expense associated with market­based awards is recognized over the requisite service period of each tranche using the accelerated attribution method, regardless of whether the market conditions are achieved. Business combinations and valuation of goodwill and other acquired intangible assets When we acquire a business, we allocate the purchase price to the net tangible and identifiable intangible assets acquired based on their fair values. Any residual purchase price is recorded as goodwill. The estimation of 85 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1467623/000119312518055809/d451946ds1.htm 93/235

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