2/24/2018 S-1 Table of Contents that 37% of the global workforce is now mobile, 30% of full­time employees primarily work remotely, and 20% of the workforce is made up of temporary workers, contractors, and freelancers. The ability to swiftly disseminate content and its relevant context is critical to keeping teams in sync. “Work about work” is wasteful and stifles creativity The combination of scattered content, fragmented tools, and fluid team structures has led to decreased workplace productivity. According to a report by McKinsey & Company, knowledge workers spend approximately 60% of their time at work on tedious tasks such as searching for content, reviewing email, and re­sharing context to keep team members in the loop—what we call “work about work.” This means they spend just 40% of their time doing the jobs they were hired to do. Individual users are changing the way software is adopted and purchased Software purchasing decisions have traditionally been made by an organization’s IT department, which often deploys products that employees don’t like and many refuse to adopt. As individuals increasingly choose their own tools at work, purchasing power has become more decentralized. A 2017 IDC report noted that new devices and software were being adopted at a faster rate by individual users than by IT departments. Our Solution Dropbox allows individuals, teams, and organizations to collaborate more effectively. Anyone can sign up for free through our website or app, and upgrade to a paid subscription plan for premium features. Our platform offers an elegant solution to the challenges described above. Key elements of our platform • Unified home for content. We provide a unified home for the world’s content and the relevant context around it. To date, our users have added more than 400 billion pieces of content to Dropbox, totaling over an exabyte (more than 1,000,000,000 gigabytes) of data. When users join Dropbox, they gain access to a digital workspace that supports the full content lifecycle—they can create and organize their content, access it from anywhere, share it with internal and external collaborators, and review feedback and history. • Global sharing network. We’ve built one of the largest collaboration platforms in the world, with more than 4.5 billion connections to shared content. We cater to the needs of dynamic, dispersed teams. The overwhelming majority of our customers use Dropbox to share and collaborate. As we continue to grow, more users benefit from frictionless sharing, and powerful network effects increase the utility and stickiness of our platform. • New product experiences. The insights we glean from our community of users lead us to develop new product experiences, like Paper, Smart Sync, and Showcase. Machine learning further improves the user experience by enabling more intelligent search and better organization and utility of information. This ongoing innovation broadens the value of our platform and deepens user engagement. These elements reinforce one another to produce a powerful flywheel effect. As users create and share more content with more people, they expand our global sharing network. This network allows us to gather insights and feedback that help us create new product experiences. And with our scale, we can instantly put these innovations in the hands of millions. This, in turn, helps attract more users and content, which further propels the flywheel. Our Growth Strategy Increase adoption and paid conversion We designed Dropbox to be easy to try, use, and buy. Anyone can create an account and be up and running in minutes. We believe that our current registered user base represents a significant opportunity to increase our 94 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1467623/000119312518055809/d451946ds1.htm 102/235

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